Ok, Ok, you're a super-rational public radio listener but you live in a place drenched in supernatural legend. In fact, historians like David Hall and David Hackett-Fischer have argued that the new world was imbued with notions of magic and superstition from Jumpstreet. One of the paradoxes of the Puritan migration was that even as they imported a belief system that rejected popish superstition in favor of what they saw as leaner, cleaner Calvinist faith, they somehow also brought all kinds of magical nuttiness. And, you could say it never left.
Today, we hear from three historians and folklorists who have collected supernatural legends about the places you walk and drive by, because it's Halloween. So, loosen up Mr. Hyperrational.
Comment below, email Colin@wnpr.org, or tweet @wnprcolin.
- Zach LaMothe is the author of Connecticut Lore: Strange, Off-Kilter, and Full of Surprises
- David Leff is the author of Hidden in Plain Sight: A Deep Traveler Explores Connecticut
- Walter Woodward is an associate professor of history at the University of Connecticut and is the Connecticut State Historian
- Jon Nowinski is a paranormal investigator with Smoking Gun Research Agency