Barking, fleas, Lyme disease, pet food, biting, housebreaking, shyness, pet insurance, animal rescue. Top flight advice from vet Dr. Todd Friedland. Don't miss his adventures with animals of all kinds.
Today we focus on Lyme, ticks, flea prevention, the raw food diet, and relaxation music for your pets.
Watch this episode of Nature about animal prosthetics.
You can read more about this spring's Lyme disease risks here.
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- Dr. Todd Friedland is Chief of Staff and Veterinarian at North Windham Animal Hospital
- Janet Marlow is a composer and co-founder of Pet Acoustics.
- “Gne Gne,” Montefiori Cocktail
- “Love Dog,” TV on the Radio
- “Black Cat,” Janet Jackson
- “Space Dog,” Tori Amos