A new study reports on the economic impact of shifting from gasoline --- to fuels with lower carbon emissions. WNPR’s Nancy Cohen reports the study focused on 11 Northeast and mid-Atlantic states
NESCAUM is a nonprofit air quality group whose members come from state environmental agencies in New England, New York and New Jersey. Its report found that shifting from petroleum to biofuels, natural gas and electricity to run cars and trucks could be good for the economy. The study also found this would increase energy independence and reduce carbon emissions. Transportation in the northeast is responsible for one third of the region’s greenhouse gas emissions. Dan Sosland, Executive Director of Environment Northeast, says the study found If a market based policy called for a reduction in the carbon content of fuels it could boost competition to develop alternative fuels.
“Under different scenarios based on the price of oil there could be substantial consumer benefits , economic benefits, job creation benefits and green house gas savings.”
Sosland says consumers could have more choices, pay less for fuel and reduce carbon emissions.