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Mental Health Resources

Mental Health, Social Distancing, and Self-Quarantine

In an effort to flatten the curve, residents in Connecticut and elsewhere have been urged to practice social distancing and stay at home whenever possible. But humans are social beings, and many of us are experiencing the challenges that come with self-imposed isolation. Below are some tips on how to cope with coronavirus and life in quarantine.

Mental Health Resources

What are you doing to build resilience and stay mentally and emotionally strong during the pandemic? We’d love to hear from you at ctpublic.org.

And don’t forget - there’s support out there. If you’d like to find out more on how to address your own mental health needs or those of someone you love, visit the links below:

Readjusting to In-Person Interactions

In January 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its recommendations for in-person interactions, including both small and large gatherings, and how to help make them safer. Learn about these recommendations here.

The American Psychological Association (APA) notes that readjustment to in-person interactions, especially after long periods without them, can be stressful for some, and offers advice for how to feel more comfortable.

The Anxiety & Depression Association of America (ADAA) also offers tips for easing “re-entry anxiety.”

NPR’s Life Kit addresses these anxieties as well in a story called “Do We Even Know How to Socialize Anymore?”.

Children are also dealing with the changes brought by the pandemic and their aftermath. The CDC offers a downloadable activity book called “Coping After a Disaster,” designed to offer parents and educators a way to talk to kids about how to cope following a pandemic or other kind of disaster.

Managing Stress

Whether it's concern for your health or the health of loved ones, changes to routine, or the number of unknowns that have stemmed from the coronavirus outbreak, there are a number of things happening which can affect stress levels and mental health. Everyone copes with stress in their own way, but below are some best practices and useful resources to help cope with stress caused by coronavirus.

The CDC's advice on coping with stress.

The National Institute of Mental Health has many resources to help manage stress, fear, and anxiety regarding coronavirus.

The Community Child Guidance Clinic (CCGC) offers tips on helping children manage their emotions during stressful times.

More tips to help fight coronavirus anxiety.

Image of a virtual gathering of family and friends
Filippo Bacci/ iStock
Filippo Bacci/ iStock

Staying Connected (While Social Distancing)

Whether it's video conferences for work, virtual hang outs with friends, or Face Timing with parents, grandparents, and relatives, there are many ways to stay connected, even when we physically can't see others.

This profile from NPR offers great insight on being alone, but not lonely.

Older people and those with pre-existent medical conditions are believed to be at higher risk of complications due to coronavirus. AARP has shared some best practices for how those most at risk can cope with isolation.

It's important to stay up to date with the latest information from health and government officials, as recommendations and restrictions are always in flux. Read the latest rules and recommendations.

As a non-profit public service organization, Connecticut Public's mission is to be here for you particularly in these difficult times. If you turn to us for proven facts and calm discourse, if we've earned your trust, please support our work today.