The state House today approved a proposal to extend the governor's pandemic emergency powers through February 15.
The state Senate is scheduled to meet Tuesday to vote on the extension.
Democratic Government Administration and Elections Committee Co-chair Daniel Fox says emerging variants of COVID-19 are unpredictable and dangerous.
"In light of the cautious and careful manner that the governor has acted with the authority bestowed up him during the declared emergency, I believe that it would be appropriate for this body to approve this resolution," Fox said.
But the ranking House Republican on the Government Administration and Elections Committee Gale Mastrofrancesco, urged lawmakers to end the governor's expanded powers.
"There is no public health emergency. Any emergency that happens, this body can convene in no time at all.," Mastrofrancesco said. "There is no sabotage, there is no disaster for civil preparedness. It is absolutely not necessary."
The state Department of Public health has reported 8,483 COVID-19-associated deaths in Connecticut during the pandemic.
Without an extension, the governor's expanded authority would expire on Thursday.