Mystic Aquarium will spend $2.5 million for energy efficient equipment to reduce its carbon footprint. The project will partner with Eversource and Connecticut Green Bank to install new solar panels on its roofs and new HVAC systems throughout the aquarium complex.
The project is estimated to reduce the Aquarium’s energy use by 650,000 kilowatt-hours annually, saving the aquarium over $85,000 each year.
Upgrades and replacement of equipment in the animal habitats are also being completed. These include six circulation pumps to the tank that houses eight beluga whales and HVAC systems to the aquarium’s sea lion facility. These upgrades will provide a cleaner, healthier experience for guests and marine life.
Keith Sorenson, the senior vice president of facilities and capital projects at the aquarium, said this partnership will help the aquarium be a leader among public venues reducing energy consumption.
“We hope to be a leader, in both what we are doing, and we expect to continue to do energy conservation projects as long as they are available, and educate as we go along,” said Sorenson.
Sorenson said this project has been a goal of his for many years and became possible with the partnership from Green Bank and Eversource.
“Personally this has been something that I’ve wanted to achieve for a long time because it was always something that was recognized but again we didn’t have the mechanics to get it done,” said Sorenson.
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