In his second inaugural address Monday, President Obama addressed the nation on the need for clean and renewable energy, but he might as well have been talking about Connecticut.
Each state has developed its own plan to harness wind, solar, hydro and geothermal power. And by most indicies Connecticut ranks in the bottom half of the states in terms of renewable energy -- far behind our neighbor Massachusetts.
In speaking with Massachusetts Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Richard Sullivan, Connecticut's DEEP Commissioner Dan Esty said many of those rankings are out of date and don't take into account the progress the state has made in the last year in terms of renewable energy production, in particular solar.
Solar installations are on the rise ever since the renewal last year of available tax credits and rebates for those looking to install panels on their homes and businesses.
Ultimately, however, many renewable forms of energy such as solar and wind face the challenge of intermittancy, a problem currently being solved by a battery currently underway at Massachusett's Institute of Technology.
Today we dive into the details of Connecticut's plan to develop and implement clean and renewable energy.