Demand for social services in Connecticut has grown in the same decade that’s seen the state struggle to pass balanced budgets. The nonprofit sector has provided more and more of these services but now its facing more pressure, as Americans charitable donations decline and government cutbacks continue.
This hour, we talk with national and local experts about the role philanthropy plays in helping Connecticut residents today. How much of a role should the state government play in supporting Connecticut’s nonprofits?
Later, we look at a public-private partnership that aims to address educational disparities in Connecticut. Dalio Philanthropies has promised $100 million dollars, money that will be matched by state funds and potentially, additional private donors. It’s a major gift, but how effective will it be to help struggling schools?
Join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter.
- Phil Buchanan - President of the Center for Effective Philanthropy, and author of Giving Done Right: Effective Philanthropy and Making Every Dollar Count (@philxbuchanan)
- Karla Fortunato - President of the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy (@FortunatoKarla)
- Gian-Carl Casa - President and CEO of the Connecticut Community Nonprofit Alliance (@GianCarlCasaCT)
- Andrew Ferguson - Chief Education Officer, Dalio Philanthropies and Senior Advisor, the Partnership for Connecticut
Chion Wolf contriubted to this show.