Jeremy Bernfeld
Jeremy Bernfeld is Harvest Public Media’s multimedia editor and is based at KCUR. New to the Midwest, Jeremy joined Harvest in 2011 from Boston where he helped build wbur.org, named the best news website in the country by the Radio Television Digital News Association. He has covered blizzards and tornadoes and the natural disaster that was the Red Sox’ 2011 season. A proud graduate of Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, Jeremy’s work has appeared in the Boston Globe, the (Falmouth, Maine) Forecaster and on NPR’s Only A Game.
In a break from the past, Democrats talked a stricter game about gun regulation during this year's national convention.
By declining to hear the appeals, the justices leave intact state gun laws in Maryland, Massachusetts and California.
Coronavirus isolation orders, seen as vital to protect public health, may be creating dangerous situations for those threatened by intimate partner violence.
Bump stocks, which allow semi-automatic firearms to fire rapidly like machine guns, will remain banned by the federal government in most instances after the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a case challenging recently imposed regulations.
The case could provide a roadmap for suing gun companies in the wake of mass shootings.
The Green Mountain State is poised to become the first to require GMO labeling. But a federal lawmaker recently introduced a bill that would outlaw state rules like Vermont's.
The House on Wednesday approved a five-year compromise farm, signalling perhaps the final stretch for a two-year legislative battle. Because so much of the spending in the measure depends on enrollment in programs like food stamps, it's hard to know if it will save taxpayers money.
Historian Maureen Ogle's new book examines the rise of our modern industrial meat system by examining its roots — all the way back to Colonial America. There's a fundamental disconnect, she argues, in our demands for both cheap, plentiful meat and an end to factory farms. Something, she says, has to give.